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Glass Manufacturing

Brushtec manufactures speciality brushes for use in the manufacturing and processing of glass.

This is commonly undertaken with the use of rotary brushes, which wash and clean the glass to an extremely high standard, allowing the glass to undergo further processing, such as lamination.

We also manufacture brushes for the material handling and storage of glass, predominantly with the use of special lath and strip brushes. When set up correctly these brushes safely hold up the weight of the glass, without damaging or dirtying the surface whilst allowing any loose debris to fall off.

Manufacturing brushes for use in the glass industry requires a careful touch. Using very high-quality bristles which are soft enough to not damage the glass but still perform to their requirement, and a precision trim to ensure smooth and precise brush performance.

Looking For Something More Bespoke?

Most customers face unique requirements within their field and so require a bespoke brush solution. Follow the link to our interactive brush designer sheets to help communicate your ideas and requirements to us.

Design Your Own Brush


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