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Cow Brushes

Brushtec specialises in manufacturing two main types of cow brushes: stationary scratching brushes, and brushes to fit within automatic dairy parlour systems.

Cow brushes From Brushtec provide an excellent way for cows and livestock to scratch themselves safely, instead of having to use potentially damaging objects such as fences, barn walls, or downed trees.

Having worked with local dairies and a leading agricultural university to develop cattle brushes we understand the material requirements to manufacture the best brush for optimum blood stimulation in livestock.

We manufacture a small range of off the shelf cylindrical cow satisfaction brushes which are designed to be easily mounted onto 51mm box steel and easily placed where needed.

Key Benefits

  • Scratching brushes help improve circulation, and keep livestock clean, busy, and calm.
  • Reduce chance of injury, and subsequent risk of clinical mastitis.
  • Amongst dairy cows with access to cattle brushes a 3.5% increase in milk production is visible.
  • Improves livestock feed intake.
  • Our brushes do not use motors or moving parts, so no tails or limbs may be caught.
  • Slides easily onto 50mm box steel and then positioned and engineered however you think best.

ProprietaryMilking Parlour Brushes

Brushtec also regularly works with customers in the dairy industry to design and manufacture brushes for proprietary milking parlour systems. Due to the proprietary nature of these brushes, they cannot be kept on the shelf, so please get in touch to discuss any requirements you may have which you may have in this area.

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